


Vie \ Eng


Augmented vision for better Reality

Our Mission

XExpand AR to anyone
YRaise AR capibalities to a new height
Z Deepen AR efficient on every products, generating huge impacts on brand's sale & marketing performance

Spreading AR Worldwide

Nerds Behind the Scene

Who are We

One of the AR/VR pioneers and the most focused one in Vietnam.
Marvy Co. is a combination of talented/crazy minds working synergistically to create elegant AR effects. We come up with magnificent ideas and deliver high quality products to enable brands to conquer the market.

At Marvy Co., we love working on challenging projects. Creativity & Imagination has always been our strength. It has enabled us to solve many challenging problems and transform our client's ideas into reality

Unlike other agencies, we believe in a vision that AR will no longer exist only for amusing customers but instead, AR is a crucial marketing practice bringing tremendous effects to both brand's identity and sales performance.

Marvy Co. was in the Top 3 finalists at Facebook's SPARK AR Creator Summit 2019 among 100 asian star-up competitors. Our team built an amazing Augmented Reality experience to benefit the community, which made us stand out.

core team

Khánh Vy T. (Karly Tran)
- CEO / Founder

“Our mission is to spread the impact of AR/VR in Vietnam. AR is not the fictional technology, we'll deliver it to every aspects of your daily life”

: (+84) (0) 913.639.677


Augmented Reality everywhere, anytime, any platforms Augmented Reality everywhere, anytime, any platforms Augmented Reality everywhere, anytime, any platforms Augmented Reality everywhere, anytime, any platforms Augmented Reality everywhere, anytime, any platforms

Most Focused AR / VR Agency in Vietnam Most Focused AR / VR Agency in Vietnam Most Focused AR / VR Agency in Vietnam Most Focused AR / VR Agency in Vietnam Most Focused AR / VR Agency in Vietnam Most Focused AR / VR Agency in Vietnam

How AR/VR helps industries

Learn how businesses apply AR/VR to their journeys in the studies below. Every magical things here can be found at Marvy's services.

Discover Marvy's Ecosystem

We have millions of ideas to boost your marketing.Contact us now.

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