


Vie \ Eng
AR Image Tracking

Where there are prints, there are AR solutions!
Liven up every normal prints, be stand out from your competitors

What is AR Image Tracking ?

AR Image Tracking usually applies in print publications like packaging, poster, name card,... Using AR technology to identify a target image, Marvy will develop and analyze the pixels to allow the virtual content to display lively in front of users’ sight. Since then, these print publications can support marketing and communication activities, helping them to attract more audiences.

Reason to choose AR Image Tracking
  • Applicable for all print publications such as brochure, catalog, name card, packaging,...
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Attract customers with interesting print publications
  • Raise users’ experience with brands’ products
We do
AR Image Tracking on:

Social Media

Mobile App


Made with:
Spark AR LogoUnit LogoWebAR LogoARKit LogoAR Core Logo


liven up all prints

Brand Indentity / Namecard

Logo / Store signs


Postcard / Sticker

Poster / Banner

Invitation Letter

Event Backdrop / Wall



Hosting Platforms


  • Without QR Code
  • Ideal for ecommerce shopping
  • Stable, suitable for a long run
  • Contain multiple AR effects
  • Easy to manage
  • Can add voucher, promotion, discount, gamified system...
  • Can play videos of the product
  • Can contain complex VFX and technical structure

Suitable for brands already had an app or intend to make an E-Commerce app

Mobile App

IOS & Android

Asset 4
Step 1
step 1 photo

Download & Open App

Step 2
step 2 photo

Scan the target to see the AR effects

App-less We have two options

WebsiteAsset 2
  • Without downloading the app. Just scan QR code
  • Instant scanning every printed content
  • Can add voucher, promotion, discount...
  • Can link to other pages, ideal for shopping
  • Can play videos of the product
  • No review time needed
  • Can be edited and deployed instantly
Social MediaAsset 3Asset 2
  • Without downloading the app. Just scan QR code
  • Stunning visual effects
  • High chance of being viral on social network
  • Can't have too much text
  • Can't link to other website Asset 20!
    (except Facebook ads)
Step 1
step1 photo

Open Camera

Step 2
step2 photo

Scan QR and click on notification

Step 3
step3 photo

Scan the target to see the AR effects

How AR/VR helps industries

Learn how businesses apply AR/VR to their journeys in the studies below. Every magical things here can be found at Marvy's services.

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