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  • Marvy Co

Marvy Co. Ecosystem Support for Automotive industry

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What if you could test and drive a new car, check out its engine, and even see the road from the driver's view. But you don’t even need to step out of your home?

Now AR (Augmented Reality) is not only in sci-fi movies or fiction, AR is making an impact on the community and bringing practical utility to the business world. Seeing the advance of AR, the automotive industry is applying AR to manufacturing processes and marketing campaigns, bringing benefits to their brands and customers. Customers can experience AR of different types of car models, their engines and how to operate, or customers can interact by driving, changing the colors… before they decide to go to the showroom.

1. Business Card

AR business cards are the evolved version of traditional cards, opening up a new era for business cards. With Augmented Reality’s ability to blend virtual objects into real environments with just a smartphone, your business card is no longer a "small piece paper with tiny information", but a versatile tool that brings much more practical benefits.

- AR helps the business card not to be limited in text and image content.

- In addition to basic personal information, if you have more than one business or want to share your accumulated knowledge and experience, you can fully deploy it on an AR Business Card.

- Introduce new products and services of the business.

- Add 2D / 3D images, videos, ...

- Showcase new products / services.

- Change language diversity.

- Link link to Website, Landing Page, or any digital information that your business wants customers and partners to access.

AR products by Marvy Co. are extremely diverse and well-invested. With a pioneering spirit, we aim to bring the ultimate AR experience at an affordable price to businesses and communities in Vietnam. Contact Marvy Co. today to own a set of innovative and convenient high-tech AR business cards for you and your business.

static content, and which is a tool that brings outstanding convenience to you and your brand.


2. Catalog, Poster, Flyer and Other Publications

Retailers will strongly impress their partners or customers with their publications with integrated AR technology, which can convey information to customers more fully. For example, through a regular car catalog, by applying AR technology with a mobile phone or tablet, customers can clearly visualize the car model, the interior of the car with real size, choose colors easily.

- Lessen the hesitation when making a buying decision.

- Personalize your shopping experience.

- New shopping experience that is both exciting and entertaining.
Applying AR to billboards or panels makes customers more excited than just experiencing normal billboards or panels that shows basic information. Customers can scan billboards or panels and they can see every effect, car images, 3D models of cars, or videos, minigames, …

- Bring more enjoyable experience to customers.
- Advertising and reaching to more customers in the most advanced way.
- Easier to expand your brand name by encouraging customers to share on their social media.

3. Introduction & Usage manual

Now, showrooms do not need a consultant or an employee to bring boring catalogs to guide customers about the new features of their cars. AR allows vehicle owners to use their smartphones or tablets to understand the car better. Also helps automakers guide drivers regarding technical features and maintenance instructions.

- AR will bring to your customers a guidebook that has the ability to "guide" clearly and easily for them to understand.

- AR displays vivid 3D models, images, videos and content that simulate the inside of every device, for every stage, such as installation support and assembly required, problem support, maintaining...

- Increase car knowledge for customers, save time and help them feel more self-reliant with their own vehicle. Accompanying that, there will be fewer calls to request support services, reducing the need to send technicians to support, helping businesses save optimal human resources.

4. Panel & Billboard

Automakers always spend a lot of money on billboards in the streets, shopping centers and their own showrooms, to become more adequate with the high-end car products targeting the luxury market. But are those large and expensive boards really effective?
That is the reason why automakers around the world apply AR Panel and AR Billboard technology, reviving billboards in static form, through realistic 3D simulations, adding video content and images that the business wants the community to experience.

- Maximize the performance of the billboards, flexibly apply for long-term strategies.
- Customers can interact with 3D models of the process of assembling a complete car in the advertisements, understanding more about the value of a modern car.

- Attract and increase word-of-mouth, encourage the audience to experience the AR technology on your brand advertisements.
- Create a good impression and trend in the market.

5. Car Showcase

Augmented Reality (AR) offers car retailers a unique way to showcase their models at showrooms. Allowing customers to explore the entire car, change the interior and exterior to find the right model for them, learn different specifications. This not only helps the retailers to display a multitude of vehicle variations, answering every customer question but also brings the cars directly to customers to experience instead of waiting for them to come to the Showroom.

- Add value to automotive companies to enhance their products, create an unforgettable experience for customers, which is completely different and more engaging.
- Save costs for your brand to make a showroom.
- Companies are also integrating AR with social media to create engaging and highly effective marketing campaigns.


6. Manufacturing Support

Augmented reality (AR) not only plays an important role in the design phase of a vehicle, but also gives manufacturers the advantage of supporting technicians in the production stage. It takes a variety of technologies to produce the most complete car. Create convenience for the entire customer service process, guide them how to use all the features of the car, and countless other essentials that car brands need customers to know after owning a car.

- AR brings the most accurate 3D simulations into real life, supporting training, manufacturing, and customer service.

- Save time and bring the best performance.

Through advanced technology, businesses can modify or redesign parts in the early stages, helping to reduce time and cost during the launch phase.

- The assembly of car parts is also easier and more accurate for workers who pre-assemble thousands of car components.


7. VR Automotive

Automakers have to spend huge sums of money on a design, and a lot of draft designs have to be created before a car's official model is approved. So the design process is one of the most expensive and time-consuming stages in car manufacturing. Whenever they want any minor or major modifications to the existing model, they have to create a new model entirely.

- Using Virtual Reality (VR), car designers can dramatically cut down production costs by viewing the prototype's through VR, instead of creating a new physical mockup with 1: 1 ratio each time they make some changes to the prototype.
- VR can also be applied to the worker training, they practice under the control of experts. This is the stage where workers can make some mistakes and cause some damage to the sample product and virtual reality allows them to easily practice in virtual environments, making the training process more efficient and minimizing many errors.


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How AR/VR helps industries

Learn how businesses apply AR/VR to their journeys in the studies below. Every magical things here can be found at Marvy's services.

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