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  • Khang Bui

How can banks apply AR technology?

In order to bring outstanding experiences to customers, AR technology has been and will continue to develop strongly in the future in many fields, the banking sector is no exception..

In recent years, the application of technology in the banking sector also known as Fintech (Financial Technology) has also become a growing trend in many countries around the world. AR, VR, and 3D technologies are popular trends recently in many fields. So how can banks implement ideas to apply AR technology? Let's find out with Marvy in the article below!

I. AR World Tracking

AR World Tracking is a plane scanning technology to display virtual content that merges with real space. For this type of technology, the user will operate by opening the phone camera and scanning the plane in a real environment. Then brilliant virtual images will appear
Some examples of AR world tracking for banks:

1. Virtual Assistant AR

VIB pioneered the creation of the first virtual assistant in Vietnam-VIE. Virtual characters in marketing are an effective alternative to real people, easy to change the shape to match the brand campaign. VIB built Vie with the desire to shorten the distance between users and banks.
With the cooperation with Marrvy Company, VIB brought Vie closer to each cardholder by displaying 3D animated characters in an AR environment, VIB took the lead in introducing "talking card" technology. to Vietnamese users, bringing an unprecedented exciting experience to cardholders.

The Marvy team designed based on VIE's model to create the most model-like 3D model, creating body movements so that the VIE character is like a real assistant, from the movements of the hand to the movements of the character's mouth. Every design is skillfully done by the Marvy team to bring the most authentic and complete experience to customers.
The creation of a virtual assistant will help banks get closer to consumers, especially the GenZ generation who is gradually becoming the main workforce of society. The generation was born and raised with technology, so the bank's innovation will be a new step in the journey to conquer consumers.


2. AR Backdrop (Hana Bank)

In each event, the Backdrop is always the center of attention when it is placed at the important places of the event to help attract the attention of the attendees, thereby they will pay more attention to the topic of the event. events, messages to send, or information of sponsors, organizers,... Therefore, Backdrop plays a very important role in every event, it has an important role in communication and promoting the event thanks to the basic characteristics of the inherent Backdrop.
And if a backdrop is combined with 3D virtual images, it will bring unique and daring experiences to guests. Guests can take photos and post pictures on their profiles. Businesses can take advantage of this tool to enhance the image of the brand.

II. AR Image Tracking

AR Image Tracking is a prominent feature in Augmented Reality, the AR form that brings to life every print. AR Image Tracking can be integrated into corporate publications such as business cards, packaging, magazines, posters, banners, flyers, leaflets... to deploy strategies and campaigns depending on business purposes. Here are a few suggestions that banks can apply to the campaign

1. AR invitation card

VietinBank organized the event "Shining Journey", gratitude combined with launching a new brand for Priority Customers (VietinBank Premium). The program is a combination of AR technology, 3D Mapping, Hologram, interaction, and music, creating touch points to increase the connection between VietinBank and customers. "The Shining Journey" is built in the style of Broadway (musical), combining contemporary dance, circus, and music, prominent on which is a performance of light and emotion.

2. AR Business Card

IVB has combined with Marvy Co. to implement the proposed idea of an AR Business Card to promote the opening of the IVB Phu My Hung branch. The jubilant grand opening concept with unicorns, confetti, and images of the new branch…

For a bank, exchanging business cards is an indispensable form, so when implementing AR on IVB's business cards, all IVB's partners and customers can experience it. Not only that, AR will help increase the spiritual value of the bank's business card.

See more campaign information here.

III. AR face filter

New Year's Days and holidays of the year are opportunities for the bank to launch customer gratitude campaigns and advertise for customers' programs.
If you are tired of boring old marketing ideas, banks can create filters with their logo. Combined with the message the business wants to convey.
In the campaign to promote the "one-touch" feature, Nam A Bank has implemented the AR Filter campaign "My style is ..." on the Facebook platform. The "one-touch" technology is subtly integrated into the filter, helping users experience the Filter in a fun way while still being able to convey the benefits of the new feature. From there, introduce to customers "Open Banking 2.0" on the website platform with various outstanding features to customers in the most friendly, close, and interesting way.

The bank implements an online marketing campaign according to the following steps:
1. Creating an AR filter for your brand. Businesses can contact units specializing in providing AR filter programming. Just provide the requirements and ideas, everything about design and programming let the implementation units help you.
2. Plan media to attract more players. You can deploy campaigns on multi-channel, multi-platform such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok...
3. Make sure that the campaign has elements to attract customers such as having great value gifts, the AR hosting platform runs smoothly, and there are no errors in the experience.

IV. AR Minigame

Gamification is an "effective assistant" to help businesses in "retention" and increase interaction with users. Gamification is the process of integrating game components (from techniques, methods, rules, and many other factors ..) into practical applications such as websites, business apps, and online communities to create the user's motivation and interest in the application. Through that, brands can gradually change their perception and increase the conversion rate of behavior in subsequent activities with the business. Some popular forms of Gamification today can be mentioned: Leaderboards, lucky draws, building farms/mini-cities, etc.


See more here 

Deploying AR games will be a new step in Gamification for App campaigns, customers can play exciting games that merge with real-life space. Bring a new feeling than traditional Gamification. Customers can play games and receive valuable gifts such as vouchers, discount codes, refunds, or incentives when making transactions, ...

V. Benefits of applying AR in Marketing campaigns
1. Cost savings

Deploying a mixed and inconsistent Marketing campaign will spend a lot of money on Marketing. But with products using AR technology, businesses can use it to apply for long-term campaigns, such as: When programming a virtual assistant. Enterprises can flexibly adjust the dialogue or information from month to month and year to year. But the design image of the assistant will not change. This will help businesses save a large amount of money when spending on short-term campaigns that do not bring high results.

2. Increase brand appeal

Technology is one of the major environmental factors affecting the development of banks. The changes and advances of technology applied to the bank allow the bank to innovate in general and especially to develop new products and services. The development of information technology and network technology in the banking industry revolutionized the banking industry. It requires banks to exchange a new and complete portfolio of products and services and provide a wide range of products to the market products and services based on modern technology such as card services, and banking services at home.

3. Increase brand awareness on Social media:

Social marketing is considered a form of direct impact on the eyes and feelings of customers. Statistics show that financial banking is the industry with the highest response rate from users, so social marketing, if done right, can bring even more personalization than a website. Based on social marketing, users see many different aspects of the brand.

4. Repositioning the image in the customer's mind

In the digital age, even games are considered a highly strategic marketing channel. With a high gaming population in Asia, Vietnamese banks can launch advertising campaigns based on the design of small online games associated with the introduction of banking products or services. promote product features. A very large percentage of people who approach this game are students - students, potential future customers. For example, MB Bank launched the Golden Bee game product when deploying the M-bee application, one of the very successful strategies. But the number of banks using this marketing method is very limited in terms of quantity, content, and form of games. Therefore, the bank that quickly applies Gamification will be the favorite brand in customers' hearts.

In short, promoting the application of AR technology in banking marketing is an indispensable requirement of the economy. Currently, the world and Vietnam are heading towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0 with the application of achievements that have a great impact on business activities in general and marketing activities of banks in particular. Applying AR technology in banking is not new, but Vietnamese commercial banks do not seem to have fully exploited its effectiveness. Therefore, investing in this form of marketing is seen as a suitable option for potential Gen Y and Gen Z customers.



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Khang Bui
Co-founder of Marvy Co.

I'm Khang, Co-founder of Marvy Co. Our company is one of the first and the biggest AR/VR developer in Vietnam. With years of experience in developing AR effects, I hope my knowledge can help agencies and brands understand more about AR and how to use it to boost your marketing campaigns.

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