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  • Khang Bui

Top 8 advertising campaigns with the most attractive AR technology in 2020

AR technology apply to Marketing in Vietnam 2020..

The year 2020 will see the volatility of the world and changes in the field of Marketing as AR technology is widely used in campaigns as a new highlight. Create connections and increase interaction with users.

AR technology is not only developed on the web, apps, but also social networking sites such as Instagram, Facebook also offer reasonable policies for brands when applying AR technology (augmented reality). marketing. This creates more excitement than ever for the market and booming AR marketing campaigns in 2020. Types of AR Scan images, invitations, background, Packaging, AR filter Instagram / Facebook, ... up throne. Join Marvy Co to explore outstanding campaigns using AR technology in the past year.

1. OREO AR Scan image emits music

In the first advertisement of 2020 in Vietnam, OREO created an unexpected effect for its customers. When customers use their mobile phones to scan the cake placed on OREO's pre-existing pictures, the phone will play bustling traditional music melodies dedicated to Vietnamese New Year.

Oreo selected the Image Target or Image Tracking technology commonly used in AR (Augmented Reality) for this campaign. It can be said that this is an outstanding promotional video about the uniqueness when technology marketing is becoming more and more popular in Vietnam.

2. Chivas Regal AR Filter Instagram 

Chivas Regal chose AR Filter on Instagram to connect with customers in this campaign. With the theme, discover “What makes you 100% extraordinary?”, Chivas Regal captures the enjoyment of users using this filter. Experience the filter at:

Although the filter is public in Vietnam, Chivas Regal's AR Filter has had 10% of the interaction from international users. In just 2 days of posting, Filter received more than 58,800 interactions, more than 12,700 times using special filters, especially those from 20-24 years old. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of AR filters for advertising campaigns on social networks.


3. Comfort AR gift box 

Live show #Mai Xuan Cung Nhau for the Tet holiday of Comfort  with Toc Tien singer. Taking place on December 6, 2020, becomes the most special ever when using AR technology to bring scent stories and instructions on how to make clothes for "forever spring" clothes to customers.

Comfort chooses an AR Image Target that makes the experience on a gift box become easier than ever. After scanning the QR code, use the camera to recognize the image of the dress on the Comfort gift box to view information about new products in AR format. With useful features from AR technology such as: allowing users to interact, integrate videos, insert links to access websites, ... 

The Comfort puts AR technology into the product to multiply brand value many times when changing the image to become more genuine. The advertising campaign brought huge views and thousands of favorite responses from consumers to the Comfort brand.


4. Milo AR Filter Facebook "The champions"

The campaign to use AR filters on Facebook encourages children to interact and take pictures in a simple and close way. After that Milo occupied the No. 2 position on YMI's chart in July to surpass 2 big brands Vinamilk and TH True Milk in terms of performance on Social Media, topping the Brand Mention point with 70 points.

It proves that consumers have more interaction with Milo's social networking site and the spread of the program is also stronger than the interactive mini game campaigns with AR Filter to receive gifts that have not used AR technology. before.


5. Estée Lauder Mini Game AR Filter Selfie shimmering - Get amazing gifts

With unique content ideas and filter effects to help the player's face become more beautiful. Estée Lauder's AR Filter attracted more than 2000 people who participated, shared, and hashtag the game, reaching the largest number of participants ever. Thousands of positive comments increase consumer interest in Estée Lauder. Visit to experience the exclusive Estée Lauder Filter


6. Sunplay AR Filter Facebook Selfie is very beautiful 

According to statistics from the minigame program using AR Filter, Sunplay has reached more than 48,000 buzz times (total likes, shares, comments, ..). Received a lot of positive reactions from girls, some comments said that this is a charming game from Sunplay. It can be seen that Sunplay has a better understanding of its customers. Many players confidently  off the images they captured when using the filter.

The mention of the hashtag Selfie is extremely pretty and the Skin Aqua Tone Up UV is over 5,000. Besides, there were celebrities such as Amee, Suni Ha Linh, ... Beauty Bloggers like Chloe Nguyen, Quinn, Le Chi, ... also participated, making this program extremely exciting. . The relevant buzz estimate could reach more than 1 million because of the spread of the campaign.


7. Communication Channel 14 AR game series #Covydidi

"Ms. Vy stay away " is one of the meaningful campaigns attracting a large number of participants in the midst of the complicated translation of Covid-19 as recently.

The campaign includes 14 consecutive challenges for 14 days around issues of concern during the epidemic season such as: What to eat, medical report, hand wash ... Up to now, the campaign has gone to day 9 with the challenge "Play AR Covydidi".

The #Covydidi filter game set is very diverse, spoiled for you to choose from. For example, the dodge game "Cô vy", being in challenge number 9 of course does not make anyone difficult, because everyone conquers it easily.

Try it out at:


8. Tik Tok Scan AR card at the Tik Tok awards Vietnam 2020 event

For the first time with the appearance of Invitations to apply AR technology to create a unique point for the event. Creativity is no longer an individual story. In particular, the year 2020 has brought surprising challenges, and with the persistent creative spirit of the user community and creators on TikTok, it has brought many breakthrough and meaningful ideas. TikTok sends each guest a scanned invitation card displaying a golden trophy and special effects.

It can be seen that the diversity of content that AR technology (augmented reality) is contributing to innovating the values ​​in marketing. AR technology helps creators make a difference in brand campaigns, to contribute to connecting consumers and brands.

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Khang Bui
Co-founder of Marvy Co.

I'm Khang, Co-founder of Marvy Co. Our company is one of the first and the biggest AR/VR developer in Vietnam. With years of experience in developing AR effects, I hope my knowledge can help agencies and brands understand more about AR and how to use it to boost your marketing campaigns.


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