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  • Khang Bui

AR Try On - The Shopping Trends Of The New Era

​Nowadays, many brands have already renewed themselves with interesting AR Filters, and one of the most fascinating kinds of AR Filter is AR Try-on, a unique method of product experience..

One of the most useful AR experiences for both brands and users is AR Filter. It has grown a lot over the past few years. First of all, AR Filter was applied on social networks Snapchat. Then, Facebook and Instagram launched Spark AR Studio -  a tool that allows anyone, including brands and individuals to create their own AR Filter without paying a fee. All users of Facebook and Instagram can use these filters. With Spark AR, brands can share their AR experiences on social media. 

Along with the popularity of AR Filter, online shopping has grown rapidly, and now it has become a habit of the majority of users around the world. Capturing the changes of the times, many brands have not hesitated to renew themselves with an interesting AR Filter, and AR Filter Try-on is a unique experience method. 


Learn 5 benefits that Try-on filter brings to the brand with Marvy Co.

  1. Try-on Filter is a reasonable investment:

To deploy a marketing campaign, Brands must prepare a quite large budget. It is a truly a hefty fee with budgeting for advertising, video production, sound production and animation.

AR Try On Filter has less financial risk when businesses can spend less human resources on creating them. AR Filters are simple hi-tech products with great reach, which offers small and medium-sized brands the same opportunities and benefits as large brands.

60 Creative and Simple Ways to Save Money -

  1. Enhance engagement on social networks:

You might be thinking that people just follow their friends on Facebook and Instagram, and don’t follow any brand.

In fact, 80 percent of people using social media follow at least one page of a brand. This means that people often follow the brands they love on social media apps

This development is encouraging brands to increase their following and advertise directly to customers. with Try On Filter, Brands can advertise new products right on the post and invite customers to use  Filter with the attached link.

  1. More engagement than traditional ads: 

What if the entire marketing budget is spent on great video ads, there is no guarantee that the ads will be seen widely by many audiences in this case.  With these advertising costs, consumers only watch the video in a few seconds. 

Meanwhile, AR Filters have an average interaction time of 75 seconds. This amount of time is four times more than video content because watching videos is a passive experience. AR Filter demands the viewer’s attention, especially Try-On Filter, it allows users to try products right on the image of the person using. 

For sunglasses brands, Try On Filter offers different colored sunglasses images that users can “try on” on their faces . By providing these options, users are invited to try some. This means customers can spend more time using it

  1. Target right audience and increase brand awareness 

If your brand has a new product that needs to be promoted, there's a direct reach. People who already follow the business's page can use the new Filter to try new products and they can be introduced about the company’s product currently.

For those who don't follow the brand, they can find the AR filter by searching or "accidentally" see it when their friends use and share it. There is an extremely useful Filter library on Instagram, where people can explore it by surfing through the available filters

For example, people who are looking for new glasses on the market can find the glasses company's AR filter. They can try this product from the comfort as at home , even if they have never heard of the brand before.

Topology lets you try before you buy glasses using AR in an app | TechCrunch

  1.  Increase passive engagement:

The more creative AR Filters are, the more shareable the content has. Let social media users do the work for you instead of paying for expensive ads

People often follow a lot of other people on social media because of similar interests. Therefore, when your AR Filter is shared, then user’s followers will see your AR Filter too. You don't even have to pay for that click. The creativity behind the filter fueled the brand's appearance. More than 500 million accounts on Instagram interact with Instagram's Story feature daily. If there is an Interactive element, it will be possible to attract more users to share your Filter on their Story.

Shopper using virtual try-on technology to try on shoes

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Khang Bui
Co-founder of Marvy Co.

I'm Khang, Co-founder of Marvy Co. Our company is one of the first and the biggest AR/VR developer in Vietnam. With years of experience in developing AR effects, I hope my knowledge can help agencies and brands understand more about AR and how to use it to boost your marketing campaigns.


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