


Vie \ Eng


  • Khang Bui

Salonpas brings AR Filter into the mini game "Paste the pain - Enjoy dancing with Salonpas"

By applying AR Filter technology to the mini game, Salonpas has brought a different contest compared to the previous competitions of the brand..

The activities in daily life inevitably cause joint pain, back pain or muscle tension, Salonpas skin patch products will help you overcome the sudden pain that comes quickly.

With the slogan "Don't let pain block and take your life", Salopas organized a movement matching contest in which players performed their own fun dances, combined with catchy background music and animated effects from filters of AR Filter technology.

The contest "Paste the pain - Enjoy dancing with Salonpas" was held by Salonpas from April 20 to May 31, 2021.

AR Filter technology is easy to attract players to join

By applying AR Filter technology to the contest, Salonpas has brought a different contest compared to the previous competitions of the brand, allowing players to interact and freely show their bright individual dances. Create, combine fun music background and animated effects displayed on the camera background.

The easy use of animations that incorporate music helps players confidently participate and express themselves.


How to use

Step 1: Access the link and go back to the video of you doing the dance in your own way.

* Conditions of competition:

• In the video, players are required to wear Salonpas Pain Relief Patch, and have a box or bag of Salonpas products in the video.

• The contest video needs to last at least 10 seconds.

Step 2: Submit your article to the Organizing Committee by commenting below the post or inbox to Hisamitsu Vietnam fanpage. Players sharing more feelings about the product when submitting their entries to the program is a plus.

AR Filter application makes a difference for brands

With a total buzz of nearly 2000 times (including likes, comments and shares), the application of AR Filter to contests and mini games will be quite different from previous traditional contests and mini games.

With only a smartphone in hand, participants in the contest could access and easily use AR applications/filters, thereby stimulating curiosity and excitement when participating.

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Khang Bui
Co-founder of Marvy Co.

I'm Khang, Co-founder of Marvy Co. Our company is one of the first and the biggest AR/VR developer in Vietnam. With years of experience in developing AR effects, I hope my knowledge can help agencies and brands understand more about AR and how to use it to boost your marketing campaigns.


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