


Vie \ Eng

Our Project


3D Video "Trai Nghiem Nui Tuyet" from Edelweiss

Marvy Co. had an opportunity to cooperate with Edelweiss on the 3D project “Trai Nghiem Nui Tuyet” and undertake the extremely vivid 3D background programming, which is loved by users.


Scope of Work

  • - 3D Modelling and Animation

Types of AR used

game photo


3D Modeling

Responding to requests from Edelweiss and to ensure accuracy with animated scripts, Marvy Co. did the 3D Modeling process in three steps:


  1. 3D models:

First, Marvy made 3D models of objects of two environments, "Nha go am ap" and "Tu do truot tuyet".

In the “Nha go am ap” environment, Marvy worked on details and objects such as the wooden house, the furniture, the fire, the lights, and the surrounding landscape.

In the “Tu do truot tuyet” environment, Marvy made 3D models of mountain peaks and objects such as flags spread across the snowy peaks.


  1. Texturing:

After 3D modeling, Marvy continued to paint the materials for the objects and the background environment. Focusing on the authenticity of the product compared to reality, Marvy Co has meticulously used colors close to the real-life scene of the Alps.


  1. 3D Lightning:

To create depth for objects as well as the overall environment, Marvy Co. has set the direction of sunlight, creating a shadow effect like the real landscape of the Alps.


Set of rotation angle

After completing 3D Modeling, Marvy Co. proceeds to set the camera angle for the video according to the Story Board from Edelweiss.

In this step, Marvy carefully made the smooth, professional transitions suitable for the animation of the characters in the video

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Marvy Co. is confident in providing a diverse and unique AR/ VR/ Game Ecosystem, by a team with great credibility, skills and experience. We consult and establish optimized AR/ VR/ Game/ Playable Ads solutions that flexibly applied to all brand Marketing strategies.

Beside AR/VR, outsourcing and designing Games (Mini Game, Large-scale Game...) is our expertise.

For many other outstanding benefits, contact Marvy Co. to deploy professional projects that match your image and brand goals.