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Duo of AR World Tracking cards shakes up MSB 2024 Business Conference

At the MSB 2024 Business Conference, Maritime Bank chose AR World Tracking card technology to provide an engaging and memorable experience for over 700 staff members in the southern region.


Scope of Work

  • - Creative Strategy Direction
  • - Concept Design
  • - AR Development

Types of AR used

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AR Invitation

Message Delivery

AR Card "Business Conference"

The 2024 Business Conference, themed "Service Leadership," showcases the position, spirit, and vision of the leadership team, as well as MSB's business goals and direction for the year. Service leadership will shift traditional leadership thinking from "commanding" to "serving." In 2024, MSB implements a strong culture, fostering leadership spirit through orientation based on four keywords: Openness, Listening, Empowerment, and Support.

AR Card "Beyond Happiness Music Night"

The Beyond Happiness AR card features the symbol of a musical note representing the harmony of happiness. The Gratitude Music Night conveys a message of creating happiness to all MSB members. The satisfaction and development of the MSB community serve as guiding principles for the bank's leadership team, and this is why MSB chooses to implement Service Leadership. An overview of the event content from the lineup of prestigious singers, main images, to the time and location of the music night, is all integrated into the AR card for guests to conveniently grasp the basic information of the program.


The AR World Tracking invitation card targets a successful age group of 30 to 40 years old, so the experience steps focus on simplicity while still ensuring the vivid, beautiful, and engaging delivery of the program's content and message.

Users Interface 

  • Prioritize a familiar upright interface for smartphone users.
  • The AR card interface is designed based on the main 2D images, adhering closely to the color, font, size, and layout of the two events.
  • Focus on developing attractive effects to enhance the value and message that the program wants to convey.

Users Experience 

Both the "Business Conference" and "Gratitude Music Night" cards offer a simple experience with the following steps:

  • Step 1: Scan the QR Code.
  • Step 2: Aim the camera at any flat surface and press the screen to place the effect.
  • Step 3: View the AR card, touch the circular icon to take a photo, or press and hold the icon to record a video.
  • Step 4: To save the image/video, select the "save" icon in the lower left corner of the screen, or press "next" to directly share the image/video to Facebook Stories.

3D Modeling & Animation

AR Card "Business Conference"

Based on the 2D design, Marvy has built a 3D model of a compass with the central face featuring an image of a mountain climber holding an MSB flag and a rotating needle around four keywords: Listening, Empowerment, Support, and Openness. When the user successfully places the effect, the compass appears with bright light lines. Then, the four keywords "Openness, Listening, Empowerment, and Support" sequentially appear on the outer layer of the compass. Next, the needle will rise and rotate around each keyword, pointing to the one that will light up and enlarge. After making a full rotation around the four keywords, the main image of the mountain climber holding the MSB flag appears, and the compass face flips flat and reveals the card.

AR Card "Gratitude Music Night"

Following the main image of the music night, Marvy has integrated a set of 3D musical notes in neon tones with a dynamic, youthful style. For this AR card, the program logo and name "Beyond Happiness" appear first, followed by new musical notes flying in one by one, pulling the card along. Throughout the experience, the musical notes continuously fly in like a melodic tune, highlighting images of singers and information about the music night.

AR Programming

Developed on the Facebook platform, Marvy's team has researched and optimized images and quality to ensure the transmission of the values, messages, and useful information that the brand wants to convey to users.

The duo of AR World cards allows users to view content anytime without the need for complex physical card scanning, just by scanning the QR code or searching for the card name on Facebook, users can view AR content. Additionally, using AR World cards also helps save printing costs for the brand.

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Marvy Co. is confident in providing a diverse and unique AR/ VR/ Game Ecosystem, by a team with great credibility, skills and experience. We consult and establish optimized AR/ VR/ Game/ Playable Ads solutions that flexibly applied to all brand Marketing strategies.

Beside AR/VR, outsourcing and designing Games (Mini Game, Large-scale Game...) is our expertise.

For many other outstanding benefits, contact Marvy Co. to deploy professional projects that match your image and brand goals.