


Vie \ Eng

Our Project



To create new experience on the Dutch Lady backpack for kids, the mini game is attached in the printed QR code


Scope of Work

  • - Creative Strategy Direction
  • - Concept Design
  • - UI UX Design
  • - Game Development
  • - Backend Development

Types of AR used

game photo


Concept & Game design

This mini-game is available on the Website platform, and attach in the printed QR code on Dutch Lady’s promotion gift. Instead of downloading an extra application to play the game, users can easily use their mobile device’s camera and scan the QR code. They can access the game directly. 

The concept of this game is inspired by Holland's spirit in which all designs are re-creating the Dutch farm. With four levels, obstacles, scoring items also changes to bring new experiences for players. A combination of a bright color palette and kiddy graphics has brought an exciting mini-game for kids.

UI/UX Design

The game is integrated into the dairy product line for children, so the majority of the target will be kids of different ages. Therefore, the user interface and user experience have to be as simple as possible, keep it easy to understand, and prioritize using visuals instead of text. Players can control and explore the game.

  1. UI - User Interface
  • Prioritized horizontal interface with harmonized buttons
  • Simple design buttons, easy to understand
  • Short words, icons, visuals to deliver the information quickly

  1. UX - User Experience

There is no app to download! All they need is to use their mobile devices to scan the printed QR code on the pack back. Typing the required information to create your account, and let’s play the game. All results are recorded for players to replay multiple times, trying their best to be on the TOP board. Each level is unlocked, a dialogue will pop up on their screen as instruction for players to introduce new obstacles and scoring items. 

Graphic designs & Animation

Based on the Dutch farm theme, all game elements are created to bring the scenery of fields into the game including tulips, windmills,... Thanks to the fresh palette, green grassland scene for players to experience the game.

Besides, the game graphics are a part of bringing the excitement of each level, not only the running roads changing but also new obstacles randomly appear during the round. Moreover, scoring items display among the road for players to collect. Each item will have its points, the more items are collected, the higher score players can gain. 

Especially, during a level, there will be two missing pieces of the Golden logo, unlocking all four levels and finding all 8 pieces, players can complete the hidden mission - The Golden Logo of Dutch Lady.


Above all, the most iconic of this game are 3 main characters, Dutch Lady, The Farmer Girl, and The Farmer Boy provided by Dutch Lady. Marvy’s design team has transformed the given design into 3D models and animate them to run in the game. Players are free to choose their favorite character and enjoy the game. 

Game Development

  • Allow players to choose 1 out of 3 character before starting the game
  • Develop 4 levels, each level unlocked will have a new obstacle to create more challenges. Also, to unlock a level, players have to pass the average score at each round. 
  • Game rules to surpass the level and distribute the reward points of each level:
  • Level 1: 
    • Players have to jump over 2 obstacles: the Straw Roll and the Cow 
    • Collect at least 50 points to pass the level
    • Scoring Item display: 80% of 1 point and 2 points item - 20%  of others 
  • Level 2:
    • Players have to jump over 3 obstacles: the Straw Roll, the Cow and the Flying Bird
    • Collect at least 100 points to pass the level 
    • Scoring Item display: 60% of 1 point and 2 points item - 40%  of others
  • Level 3:
    • Players have to jump over 4 obstacles: the Straw Roll, the Cow, the Flying Bird and the Hole
    • Collect at least 250 points to pass the level
    • Scoring Item display: 40% of 1 point and 2 points item - 60%  of others
  • Level 4:
    • Players have to jump over 5 obstacles: the Straw Roll, the Cow, the Flying Bird, the Hole and the Thorns
    • Collect at least 350 points to pass the level
    • Scoring Item display: 20% of 1 point and 2 points item - 80%  of others
  • Scoring Items: Milk Drop ~ 1 point, Milk Pack ~ 2 points, Milk Bucket ~ 3 points, Dutch Lady Logo ~ 4 points
  • Record all scores of each player and allow them to replay multiple times by re-scan and log-in.
  • SPECIAL ITEM:Each level will have 2 random puzzle pieces, players have to collect them. The collected puzzle will be stored in the storage, collect all 8 pieces, the Golden Dutch Lady Logo will appear.

How to play

Step 1: Open the Camera on your mobile device, scan the printed QR code on the packback

Step 2: Fill in the information to create an account

Step 3: Choose your favourite character

Step 4: Choose the level

Step 5: Read the instruction and get ready for the game

Step 6: Tap the “Logo” button to control the character jump over obstacles and collect scoring items

Step 7: When the score reach the rate, a notification of level up will pop out

Step 8: Players can replay the level or continue playing multiple times to be on top of Leaderboard


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Marvy Co. is confident in providing a diverse and unique AR/ VR/ Game Ecosystem, by a team with great credibility, skills and experience. We consult and establish optimized AR/ VR/ Game/ Playable Ads solutions that flexibly applied to all brand Marketing strategies.

Beside AR/VR, outsourcing and designing Games (Mini Game, Large-scale Game...) is our expertise.

For many other outstanding benefits, contact Marvy Co. to deploy professional projects that match your image and brand goals.