


Vie \ Eng


  • Khang Bui

10 Ideas Implement Gamification and AR Marketing Campaigns

With Marvy Co. Learn 10 interesting examples of the perfect combination of AR, games and marketing and the huge benefits of applying gamification to marketing campaigns..

 I. Gamification 

Gamification is the application of game mechanics to a marketing campaign. The skillful use of the features of a game such as the system of tasks, ratings, ... helps customers feel impressed and attracted, thereby helping your brand to be engraved in customers' memory, or increase sales by offering discount codes as gifts to winners.


II. Benefits of marketing gamification


1. Increase interaction on social media 

Today, businesses often use social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram to deploy mini games for marketing campaigns to increase the amount of real interaction between customers and businesses.

By asking players to like/share/comment on the fanpage, the brand's post will have a greater chance of being shared. In addition, the brand can also prepare gifts for the players who have the highest scores or interact the most in order to attract more customers to join the game. Customers playing fun games also receive gifts, businesses increase interaction and brand recognition. It can be seen that using mini games and giving gifts can make customers feel happier than passively approaching advertising like other types of marketing.


2. Cost savings

Applying game elements for marketing campaigns will help businesses optimize costs. By inviting players to share the game on social networks, send it to friends via messaging apps, or invite more friends to join the game to get more plays, brands can attract a large number of customers without spending extra on paid ads or produce expensive TVCs.


3. Increase brand awareness

Increasing brand recognition is a goal that businesses always prioritize when implementing marketing campaigns. The higher the brand's recognition, the more users will remember that brand when there is a need to buy. From there, businesses can solve sales problems easily.

This is also the most prominent benefit when applying mini games in marketing campaigns because mini games can completely be designed according to the corporate identity brand. This is also the reason many brands use their products to design characters and items in the game.


4. Find potential customers

When playing the mini game, customers need to enter their name, phone number or email so that the organizers can record the results and confirm their identity when sending gifts with the CMS system.

In addition, businesses can also confirm potential customer groups by identifying customers who have used discount codes through mini-games to make purchases. From there, the marketing team can deploy more campaigns with methods, ideas and strategies aimed at the right group of target customers.


III. 10 ideas for implementing gamification campaigns


1. Game AR Hado The Hunter

  • Game AR Geo-location
  • Integrated game App into shop App 

Hado the Hunter is an AR Game that uses AR Geo-location technology and the phone's GPS to play games at AEON MALL Ha Dong. Only people standing within a 100m radius of AEON MALL Ha Dong's Future Lobby can play the game. This feature has helped increase the exclusive experience for players and attract customers to the Mall.

Game Ar Hado The Hunter Choi Tai Aeon Mall Ha Dong photo


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2. Oreo celebrates 101st birthday

  • Mini Game
  • Quiz Game

On the occasion of a very special 110th birthday, Oreo has launched a Photo Quiz Campaign for customers with many attractive promotions. After experiencing an interesting "design" birthday cake with images of products from the Oreo brand, customers can enter their personal information to receive gifts from Oreo and "blow" the birthday cake by blowing in the phone's microphone to activate the effect.

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3. Web game "Chứng sĩ về bờ" HSC

  • Web Game integrated mini games

With the goal of turning the stock investment process into a fun and engaging gaming experience, HSC has partnered with Marvy Co. to launch the Web Game "Witness Returns" with two main experiences: "Hard Work", a mini-game that allows players to "accumulate assets" to invest in the experience of "Sail to the Sea" Stock trading simulation game.

With the number of points just achieved, players can start investing in stocks. The types of stocks on the market are simulated as a miniature “exchange” and players only need to touch each to see information about the company that owns it, as well as to make Buys and Sells.

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4. Web game "Scooter Game" from Motul

  • Web game
  • XR Virtual

Inspired by other gift check-in games, "Scooter Game" has been upgraded higher when applying XR Virtual technology, helping players to be satisfied with attractive and new 3D effects. In addition, to cleverly improve the interaction between players and brands, Marvy has integrated the feature of exchanging points and doing tasks from multiple choice rounds to get vouchers to buy at Motul.

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5. AR game with face tracking from PNJ

  • AR Face Game 
  • Web game

Responding to the request of promoting the brand image from PNJ, Marvy Co. used the "pick up items" gameplay and selected valuable products from the brand to integrate into the game.

Gameplay "collecting items" is a popular game and is loved by most users, combined with AR technology, specifically AR Face Tracking, has created an extremely interesting but equally luxurious AR Game. and elegant as PNJ's brand image ever.

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6. Instant game on Facebook platform from Chupa Chups

  • Instant Game 

Instant Game is a type of mini-game deployed on the social networking platform Facebook. In the campaign to promote new products, the Chupa Chups candy brand has deployed the instant game "Dyeing green for fun" with new gameplay, attracting the attention of many customers. Players only need to touch the green candy bars required by the game to complete the picture of the boy in the game.

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7. AR game "Giải cứu vương quốc mềm dịu" from Solite

  • AR Image tracking game
  • AR Face tracking

In order to promote a special partnership with Universal Studios, Kinh Do cake brand has partnered with Marvy Co. to develop AR Filter and Interesting AR Game for the latest 4 Solite flavors. The game is integrated with the new Solite cake box, players just need to find the cards available in each Solite cake box and scan the QR code "For babies" on the card and pan the phone and Solite cake box to start experiencing. game experience.

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8. AR game "Lá chắn chống khuẩn mới" from Downy

  • AR Face tracking game

In the campaign to promote the new antibacterial conditioner product, Downy fabric softener brand has launched the Facebook AR game filter "New Anti-Bacterial Shield" and received positive feedback from customers. The player uses his face (Face tracking) to control the woman character.

In 15 seconds, the player must repel as many viruses as possible, while also collecting New Downy 99% Anti-Bacterial Flush packs - to boost their power to knock out all the bacteria on the screen and accumulate more numbers. respective points.

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9. Web game "Ngại gì thử thách" with Dutch Lady

  • Web game

With the theme of Dutch Farm, the elements in the game are designed, to simulate the context with familiar images such as windmills, tulip bushes, ... Besides, the graphics part The game also brings fun when in each level, the running track is changed with the appearance of obstacles increasing the challenge.

Simultaneously, the points accumulated are displayed randomly throughout the game for players to harvest. In particular, hidden in each round are two golden logo pieces, collecting all eight pieces will give the player a complete golden Dutch Lady logo.

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10. Conveying messages combined with animation AR through the app with Tetra Pak

  • AR Space - AR World
  • AR Game
  • Mobile app
  • Integrated more games

With the goal of providing exciting cultural experiences, Tetra Pak and Marvy Co. decided to use the timelines of the country's formation and development in order from the Hung Vuong, Hai Ba Trung, Ly and 19th centuries to tell the story of Vietnamese soybeans.

Those stories are expressed through the image of tiny soybeans combined with attractive illustrations and gentle storytelling, all creating interesting cartoon footage animated in a unique AR environment. and alluring.

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Following the unique AR experience on the new Vinasoy Fami box, the next destination is the green island where the created paper boxes will be illustrated with unique AR technology, called Box Journey. paper. Not only giving users a better perspective on the standard milk packaging process, the Paper Box Journey experience also provides knowledge about the basic steps before disposing of used milk cartons.

From there, it helps users to have useful knowledge about the environment and helps us to be more conscious in protecting and keeping the environment clean and beautiful, love nature and always have a modern green lifestyle.


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Khang Bui
Co-founder of Marvy Co.

I'm Khang, Co-founder of Marvy Co. Our company is one of the first and the biggest AR/VR developer in Vietnam. With years of experience in developing AR effects, I hope my knowledge can help agencies and brands understand more about AR and how to use it to boost your marketing campaigns.


Creating Great AR Filters By Applying Cultural Elements

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